Tree’s end is near

I read with regret the decision by LTA and the National Parks to cut down the 80-year-old tree along Braddell Road. I support LTA’s earlier decision to save the 80-year-old tree and urge it to remain steadfast in its decision.

As a relatively young nation of 42 years, this 80-year-old tree is a rare heritage that we should all strive to preserve. We may plant a thousand trees now but we won’t live long enough to see any of them grow to the size and magnificence of this 80-year-old.

If our trees have to give way each and every time there’s a need to widen the road or alter its path, when would they ever live up to 80 years old?

We can make the road safer without cutting down the tree. By building a road divider all along Braddell road leading to the tree that broadens gradually, any driver dutifully following the road curvature would eventually round the tree safely when he or she reaches it.

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